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Menguak realitas di balik prasangka sosial antar etnis Bugis dan Kaili di kota Palu

Mahpuddin, 210130130013 with his dissertation entitled "Revealing the Reality
behind Inter-ethnic Social Prejudices between Bugis and Kaili ...

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    010040007511302.2 Mah mPerpustakaan Pusat (Reference Kls. 300)Tersedia
  • Perpustakaan
    Perpustakaan Pusat
    Judul Seri
    No. Panggil
    302.2 Mah m/R.21.10.2
    Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi : Bandung.,
    Deskripsi Fisik
    xiv, 338 hlm. ; il. ; 29 cm
    Tipe Isi
    Tipe Media
    Tipe Pembawa
    Info Detil Spesifik
    Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
  • Mahpuddin, 210130130013 with his dissertation entitled "Revealing the Reality
    behind Inter-ethnic Social Prejudices between Bugis and Kaili in Palu City" (A Study of
    Critical Ethnography of Merchants Community in the Manonda's Inpres Market). The
    dissertation was supervised by Pro! Dr. Engkus Kuswarno, MS, as the head of Promoters,
    Dr. Atwar Bajari, MSi and Dr. Evi Novianti, MSi as the member of Promoters.

    This dissertation was triggered by the author's concerns about the phenomenon of
    increasing prejudices between Bugis and Kaili merchants. In certain conditions, the tensions
    can lead to inter-ethnic conflicts. This social phenomena emerges alongside the changes in
    business climate between merchants within the market.

    This studywas intended to unfold the reality in market management that was
    suspected as the root causes of behaviors that increase and maintain social prejudices. This
    research offers alternative and comprehensive solutions to the problems. The study applies
    Critical Ethnographic methodology as the most appropriate and relevant approach to
    investigate the research problems comprehensively. For data collection, this study uses
    Comstock version methods for in-depth interviews, , intersubjective dialogue.participatory
    observation and document analysis.

    This study reveals the complexities of inter-ethnic social prejudice history that
    evolved between Bugis and Kaili. It finds the root causes of the problems that lead to current
    structural conditions, that is, morket management and cultural systems. These findings are
    are expected to provide comprehensive picture of empirical situations and practical
    implementable solutions.

    This research finds two main sources of prejudices.- (1) economic and cultural gaps,
    (2) unfair climate of free competition in getting facilities and infrastructure within the
    market .. These two findings emerge from market management system that ignores the aspects
    offairness that tend to marginalize Kaili. This research offers two practialsolutions. First.the
    economic and cultural inequalities can be solved by reflecting on negative traditions and
    habits in the past, and then establishing a tradition of open, two-way communication to
    create mutual understanding among Bugis and Kiali merchants. Second, the injusticesin the
    market management system, especially for marginalized merchants, can be resolved by
    strengthening collective actions among merchants in communicating theiraspirations in
    public spaces, and establishing open dialogue among stakeholders in finding win-win
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