APA Style

Peterson, Christopher, Schwarzer, Ralf. (2013). [JOURNAL] APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY : HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (V.5; N.1-3; 2013) (Volume 5 Number 1-3). UK: John Wiley.

Chicago Style

Peterson, Christopher, Schwarzer, Ralf. [JOURNAL] APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY : HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (V.5; N.1-3; 2013). Volume 5 Number 1-3 UK: John Wiley, 2013. Journal of Psychology.

MLA Style

Peterson, Christopher, Schwarzer, Ralf. [JOURNAL] APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY : HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (V.5; N.1-3; 2013). Volume 5 Number 1-3 UK: John Wiley, 2013. Journal of Psychology.

Turabian Style

Peterson, Christopher, Schwarzer, Ralf. [JOURNAL] APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY : HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (V.5; N.1-3; 2013). Volume 5 Number 1-3 UK: John Wiley, 2013. Journal of Psychology.