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Image of Pola Komunikasi Etnis Arab dan Etnis Sunda Dalam Perkawinan Mut'ah di Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Cianjur


Pola Komunikasi Etnis Arab dan Etnis Sunda Dalam Perkawinan Mut'ah di Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Cianjur

Yessi Sri Utami, The Communication Pattern of Arabian Ethnic and Sundaneese
Ethnic on Mut 'ah Merriage in Kecamatan Pacet, Kabupaten Cianjur. ...

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    01001140700291302 Uta p/R.21.50Perpustakaan Pusat (REF.21.50)Tersedia
  • Perpustakaan
    Perpustakaan Pusat
    Judul Seri
    No. Panggil
    302 Uta p/R.21.50
    Penerbit Magister Ilmu Komunikasi : Bandung.,
    Deskripsi Fisik
    xviii, 298 hlm. ; il. ; 29 cm
    302 Uta p
    Tipe Isi
    Tipe Media
    Tipe Pembawa
    Info Detil Spesifik
    Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
  • Yessi Sri Utami, The Communication Pattern of Arabian Ethnic and Sundaneese
    Ethnic on Mut 'ah Merriage in Kecamatan Pacet, Kabupaten Cianjur. Direction
    by Prof DR. HDeddy Mulyana, MA.,P.hD and DR. Hj. Nuryah Asri Sjafirah.MiSi

    This thesis using qualitatif approach with ethnografy communication method. The
    subject of the thesis are etnic arabian men, etnic sundaneese women, guide,
    driver, khadamah, village elder, and the chairman of MUI of Sukanagalih Village
    whom decided by a purpose sampling. The focus of the thesis is to analyze The
    Communication Pattern of Arabian Ethnic and Sundaneese Ethnic on Mut 'ah
    Merriage in Kecamatan Pacet, Kabupaten Cianjur. The theory which used in the
    thesis are simbolic interaction theory and violance expectation theory.

    The thesis reveals that the activity of etnic arabian communication and etnic
    sundaneese on mut 'ah marriage in Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Cianjur was
    build from communicative situation, communicative event, and communicative
    act. The communication components which domain built communication event in
    mut 'ab marriage are setting, shape, and message, norm, norm interpretation,
    habitual and genre. In the other hand, The communication components which not
    domain are the steps of behaviour and ends or the purpose about the occurance in
    general. The relationship among the The communication components which forms
    communication pattern in mut 'alt marriage are: 1) the relationship of location
    (Place) and time with form of message 2) the relationship of genre with the
    participant 3) the relationship of norm with habitual 4) the relationship of
    habitual with value interpretation.

    After explaining the relationship among the strings, then found a communication
    patterns, which are: 1) the mut 'ab bridegroom communication pattern with the
    mediator (Biong) and mut'ah bride with the mediator when Dawwir, mut'ali
    bridegroom communication pattern with the mediator and the mut'an bride with
    mediator when ittifaq. 2) the mut'ab bride and groom communication pattern. 3)
    The mut 'ah bride and groom communication pattern with the bride's family or
    bridegroom's family. 4) The mut 'ab bride and groom communication pattern with
    the neighbourhood around.
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