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Peran Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia RI Sebagai State Auxiliary Organs dalam Penanganan Isu Diskriminasi dan Kekerasan Pada Kelompok Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender di Indonesia Tahun 2015-

This study entitled "The Role of National Commission of Human Rights of RI/Komnas HAM RI as State Auxiliary Organs in Handling Issues of ...

  • CodeCallNoLokasiKetersediaan
    170410120056320 TRI 50/2016Perpustakaan Fisip UnpadTersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
  • Perpustakaan
    Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
    Judul Seri
    No. Panggil
    320 TRI 50/2016
    Penerbit FISIP Unpad : Bandung.,
    Deskripsi Fisik
    320 TRI 50/2016
    Tipe Isi
    Tipe Media
    Tipe Pembawa
    Info Detil Spesifik
    Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
  • This study entitled "The Role of National Commission of Human Rights of RI/Komnas HAM RI as State Auxiliary Organs in Handling Issues of Discrimination and Violence on Groups of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender in Indonesia". This study was motivated by the reality and the phenomenon of the existence of groups of LGBT in Indonesia that were subjected to discrimination and violence because mores and social environment tended to dominate the societies widely. The social, cultural, religious construction made the groups of LGBT marginalized so that they got discrimination and violence. Those was social, legal, political, economic, cultural discrimination and physical and psychological violence. In the discussion this referred to the National Commission of Human Rights/Komnas HAM as the independent supporting state organ that theoretically served to Coordination, Monitoring and represent the area.The National Commission of Human Rights of RI/Komnas HAM RI on the issue of LGBT actually had discussed the minority issues in the National Commission of Human Rights/Komnas HAM which had to be addressed the existence itself.The function of the National Commission of Human Rights/Komnas HAM in coordination, then, created Special Desk in which there were special informants who accommodated minority groups, one of whom was the groups of LGBT in all subcommittees in the National Commission of Human Rights/Komnas HAM then coordinated each other. The preliminary results of coordination were the making of initial report then socialized to each stakeholder of governance at the center by coordinating to respond the next problem. In monitoring, Investigation and Monitoring Sub-Commission had a role in it to record cases and solve them with several mechanisms that then the result was going to be he recommendation to a high state institutions related to the cases. The regional representation of the National Commission of Human Rights/Komnas HAM coordinated to the regional xi representation of the National Commission of Human Rights/Komnas HAM in Aceh, West Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi and Papua to record and monitor cases of discrimination and violence against groups of LGBT in those areas. Keywords: Discrimination, Violence, Groups of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender in Indonesia , Commission of Human Rights, minority issues, coordination, Investigation and Monitoring, coordinated to the regional representation.
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