APA Style

Hine, Maynard. K, Phillips, Ralph. W. (1979). Review of dentistry question and answer. 7e (7nd). : C. V Mosby.

Chicago Style

Hine, Maynard. K, Phillips, Ralph. W. Review of dentistry question and answer. 7e. 7nd : C. V Mosby, 1979. Text.

MLA Style

Hine, Maynard. K, Phillips, Ralph. W. Review of dentistry question and answer. 7e. 7nd : C. V Mosby, 1979. Text.

Turabian Style

Hine, Maynard. K, Phillips, Ralph. W. Review of dentistry question and answer. 7e. 7nd : C. V Mosby, 1979. Print.