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Global Regulatory Issues for the Cosmetic Industry (Volume 2)

This book provide an update to the rapidly moving changes, thinking, and required actions consistent with the paradigm shift called forth to protect ...

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    Fakultas Farmasi
    Judul Seri
    No. Panggil
    344.04-4 Lin G
    Penerbit William Andrew Inc. : New York.,
    Deskripsi Fisik
    Ed.1-Cet.1. xxvi, 265 hal. Vol. 2. Ilus. ; 23,5 cm
    344.04-4 Lin G
    Tipe Isi
    Tipe Media
    Tipe Pembawa
    Info Detil Spesifik
    Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
  • This book provide an update to the rapidly moving changes, thinking, and required actions consistent with the paradigm shift called forth to protect our costomers and the world they live in. It is of value not just to regulatory experts, but to the formulators, ingredient suppliers, business, and marketing management. The book is divded to 11 chapters. Chapter 1 discuss green chemistry: foundations in cosmetic sciences. Chapter 2 discuss reach-life in and outside the EU: how reach will affect the supply chain. Chapter 3 discuss cosmetic ingredients: definitions, legal requirements, and an attempt to harmonize (global?) characterization. Chapter 4 discuss 26 allergens in cosmetics: a challenge for all stakeholders. Chapter 5 discuss manufacturing cosmetic ingredients according to good manufacturing practice principles. Chapter 6 discuss safe cosmetic and regulatory compliance: from burden to opportunity (cosmetic as vectors for bioterrorists?). Chapter 7 discuss cosmeceutical (antiaging) products: advertising rules and claims substantiation. Chapter 8 discuss cosmetic claim substantiation: methods and legal framework. Chapter 9 discuss the impact of global regulations on packaging. Chapter 10 is divided global cosmetic regulations? A long way to go. Chapter 11 discuss global patent and trade mark strategies: a must for everybody?.
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