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Image of Komunikasi Pemasaran Islamic Fashion E-Commerce : Studi Kasus mengenai Komunikasi Pemasaran HIJUP.COM Islamic Fashion E-Commerce


Komunikasi Pemasaran Islamic Fashion E-Commerce : Studi Kasus mengenai Komunikasi Pemasaran HIJUP.COM Islamic Fashion E-Commerce

ABSTRAKMelly Maulin Purwaningwulan, 210130160005. 2019. Judul penelitian “Komunikasi Pemasaran Islamic Fashion E-Commerce(Studi ...

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    Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
    Judul Seri
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    302.231 PUR k
    Penerbit Fikom Unpad : Bandung.,
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    xxiii, 718 hlm. : Ilus. ; 21 cm.
    302.231 PUR k
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  • ABSTRAKMelly Maulin Purwaningwulan, 210130160005. 2019. Judul penelitian “Komunikasi Pemasaran Islamic Fashion E-Commerce(Studi Kasus mengenai Komunikasi Pemasaran HIJUP.COM Islamic Fashion E-Commerce)”. Dr. Asep Suryana, M.Si. sebagai Ketua Tim PromotorsertaDr. Uud Wahyudin, M.Si. dan Dr. Susanne Dida, M.M. sebagai Anggota Tim Promotor. Program Pendidikan DoktorFakultasIlmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis secara lengkapdan mendalam mengenai proses komunikasi pemasaran, proses inovasi kreatif, dan faktor-faktor pertimbangan HIJUP.COM melakukan proses inovasi kreatif serta perubahan model komunikasi pemasaran HIJUP.COM sebagai Islamic fashion e-commerce.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus yang bersifat holistik dan memiliki satu unit analisis (tunggal). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi, rekaman arsip, wawancara, observasi, perangkat fisik dan studi pustaka. Informan berjumlah 14 orang, ditentukan dengan teknik purposive dan snowball sampling.Analisis data dilakukan berdasarkan proposisi teoritis komunikasi pemasaran onlinedan mengembangkan kerangka kerja deskripsi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa program komunikasi pemasaran HIJUP.COM dilakukan secara terpadu, agresif dan progresif, diilhami misi #EmpowerChange yang mendorong muslimah untuk Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good. HIJUP.COM kuat pada aspek media sosial, event,dan hubungan komunitas. Proses inovasi kreatif merupakan bagian dari corporate valueHIJUP.COM dan bersifat bottom up, jenis inovasi yang dilakukan meliputi inovasi produk, proses, dan strategi. HIJUP.COM melakukan inovasi kreatif karena pertimbangan faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal didorong oleh siklus hidup produk yang singkat dan kebutuhan brand review.Faktor eksternal didorong oleh regulasi pemerintah, meningkatnya persaingan dengan e-commercesejenis maupun online shopserta perubahanperilaku konsumen muslim. HIJUP.COM menerapkan model bisnis B2B2C (Business to Business to Consumer) dan melakukan perubahan orientasi pemasaran online to offline(O2O) dengan dibukanya HIJUP Store.Implikasi penelitian adalah disrupsi teknologi menciptakan digital marketplacedan pendekatan Marketing 4.0 pada Islamic fashion e-commercedalam menghadapi perubahan karakteristik konsumen muslim yang lebih Islami, connected, (digital), dan fun.Kata kunci:Islamic fashion e-commerce, komunikasi pemasaran, inovasi kreatif, perilaku konsumen.
    vABSTRACTMelly Maulin Purwaningwulan, 210130160005. 2019. Title of this research “Marketing Communication of Islamic Fashion E-Commerce (Case Study regarding Marketing Communication of HIJUP.COM Islamic Fashion E-Commerce)”. Dr. Asep Suryana, Chief of Promotor Team and Dr. Uud Wahyudin, M.Si.and also Dr. Susanne Dida, Promotor Team Member. Doctoral Program Faculty of Communication Science Universitas Padjadjaran.The objective of this research was to completely and in-depth analyze about the marketing communication process, the creative innovation process, and the consideration factors of HIJUP.COM to conduct creative innovation processes and the changes of marketing communication model of HIJUP.COM as Islamic fashion e-commerce. This research used qualitative approach with case study method with a holistic and a single unit of analysis. Data collection was conducted by documentation, archival recording, interviews, observations, physical devices, and literature studies. The informants consisted of 14 people, determined by purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Data analysis was conducted based on the theoretical proposition of online marketing communication and developed a case description framework. The results showed that marketing communication program of HIJUP.COM was conducted in an integrated, aggressive, and progressive manner, inspired by the #EmpowerChange mission which encouraged Muslim women to Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good. HIJUP.COM is strong on aspects of social media, events, and community relations. The process of creative innovation was part of corporate value of HIJUP.COM which is bottom-up, the types of innovations that conducted by HIJUP.COM consisted of product innovation, process innovation, and strategy innovation. HIJUP.COM conducted creative innovations because of internal and external factors as the consideration. Internal factors driven by a short product life cycle and brand review needs. External factors driven by government regulations, the increased of competition with similar e-commerce and online shops and also changes in Muslim consumer behavior. HIJUP.COM applied the Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C) business model and changes the marketing orientation from online to offline (O2O) through the opening of HIJUP Store. The implication of this research was aboutthe disruption of technology that create a digital marketplace and the approach of Marketing 4.0 in Islamic fashion e-commerce to face the changes in the characteristics of Muslim consumers who were more Islamic, connected (digital), and fun.Keywords:Islamic fashion e-commerce,marketing communication, creative innovation, consumer behavior
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