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The Role of HBOT on Pulp Capping Treatment in Enhancing TGF-β Levels: Scoping Review

Introduction: Deep caries could harm the vitality of the pulp, so it is necessary to
protect the pulp with pulp capping procedure. Pulp ...

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    IKG1 - 177177 617.63 Dew TJatinangor (Konservasi Gigi)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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    Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi
    Judul Seri
    No. Panggil
    617.63 Dew T
    Penerbit FKG Unpad : FKG UNPAD JATINANGOR.,
    Deskripsi Fisik
    Tipe Isi
    Tipe Media
    Tipe Pembawa
    Info Detil Spesifik
    Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
  • Introduction: Deep caries could harm the vitality of the pulp, so it is necessary to
    protect the pulp with pulp capping procedure. Pulp capping material will release
    growth factors, one of it is TGF-β which plays a role in pulp tissue repair.
    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a treatment that can be used as an adjunct
    therapy in wound healing. TGF-β levels can be increased by HBOT procedure. This
    study aimed to determine the role of HBOT on the success of pulp capping treatment
    in terms of increasing levels of growth factor TGF-β. Methods: A scoping review
    was conducted refers to PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR)
    Protocols through 4 databases included PubMed, Science Direct, Wiley Online
    Library and Google Scholar. Inclusion and exclusion criteria according to the
    Population, Concept, and Context (PCC) framework. Results: A total 6 articles
    showed an enhancing in TGF-β levels after HBOT with difference of HBOT
    treatment, other treatment, and measurement of TGF-β expression. Conclusions:
    Administration of HBOT will increase levels of TGF-β growth factor in the process
    of tissue repair. Thus, has the potential to increase the success of pulp capping
    treatment in terms of increasing levels of TGF-β growth factor.
    Keywords: pulp capping, TGF-β, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, HBOT wound healing
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