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Pengaruh persepsi gaya kepemimpinan danki dan kecerdasan emosional prajurit terhadap kinerja satuan

Leadership in military organizations play an important role, because the ability to manage the
soldier is critical, especially when the ...

  • CodeCallNoLokasiKetersediaan
    01001100100064303.34 Bud p/R.17.173Perpustakaan Pusat (REF.17.173)Tersedia
  • Perpustakaan
    Perpustakaan Pusat
    Judul Seri
    No. Panggil
    303.34 Bud p/R.17.173
    Penerbit Program Pascasarjana Unpad : Bandung.,
    Deskripsi Fisik
    194 hlm,;29 cm
    303.34 Bud p
    Tipe Isi
    Tipe Media
    Tipe Pembawa
    Info Detil Spesifik
    Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
  • Leadership in military organizations play an important role, because the ability to manage the
    soldier is critical, especially when the military operation in the field. The behavior shown a
    Commander in executing his leadership role and make the policy will be observed, perceived and
    judged by his soldiers, and will color the conditions physical and psychological Soldiers in
    carrying out their main tasks. Thus emotional intelligence is a factor that needs to have the
    combat troops, both at the level commander or soldier to have the ability to recognize feelings of
    self and feelings of others, the ability to motivate yourself, and the ability to manage emotions
    good in themselves and in relationships with others.

    In the Army structure, organization Infantry Battalion (Y onif) has a high strategic value, because
    it Infantry battalion is the basic combat unit. Battalions performance is determined by how the
    soldiers and leaders how to manage the construction process lasted Unit. One of the leader in
    battalion unit that interacts directly supervise to the soldier is Company commander (danki).With
    the aim of knowing and analyzing empirically the factors that affect leadership styles, emotional
    intelligence and company commanders Soldiers and unit performance, then this research is done
    by exploring perception and company commanders in the Infantry Battalion (Y onif) Kodam III I
    Siliwangi is represented by 5 (five) battalionas a sample. The unit of analysis is a soldier and all
    of which are company commanders sample saturated with the number of 1223 soldiers and 25
    company commanders. Through the descriptive and verificative method of this ex post facto
    research using 3 questionnaire instruments.

    Data collected through the approach Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the help of LISREL
    program to produce' fmdings soldier perceived battalion performance doesn't affect by soldier
    emotiomal intelligence. Soldier emotional intelligence doesn't affect soldier's perception on
    company leader's leadership style. Company leaders emotional intelligence don't affect their
    leadership style. Soldier emotional intelligence more influence by intrapersonal and stress
    management aspects. Perceived Company leader Transactional stylemore influenced by
    contingent reward and management by exception active. Company leader emotional intelligence
    influenced by stress management and adaptability aspects.
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