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Image of Karakteristik Pedagang Kaki Lima Suku Bugis : Studi Kasus Di Pasar Citra Niaga Kotamadya Samarinda


Karakteristik Pedagang Kaki Lima Suku Bugis : Studi Kasus Di Pasar Citra Niaga Kotamadya Samarinda


Charact~rtstics of Buginese Street ~raders:

A c~se Study at pa~ar Citra Niaga
in Samarinda ...

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    01001960700002306 Par k/R.P.18Perpustakaan Pusat (REF.P.18)Tersedia
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    Perpustakaan Pusat
    Judul Seri
    No. Panggil
    306 Par k/R.P.18
    Penerbit Program Pascasarjana Unpad : Bandung.,
    Deskripsi Fisik
    113 hlm,;29 cm
    306 Par k
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    Pernyataan Tanggungjawab

    Charact~rtstics of Buginese Street ~raders:

    A c~se Study at pa~ar Citra Niaga
    in Samarinda Mtinicipality


    Made Ngurah Partha

    This case study among the Buginese street traders at
    ar Citra Niaga in Samarinda attempts to reveal the charac­
    eristics of their business. It tries to find out whether
    there is any relationship between Buginese' sociocultural
    background and their activities, and whether this relation­
    ship affects the prospects of their business.

    The study uses a functional approach in seeing the use
    of a certain institution (kinship) in maintaining another
    institution (economic). The research method is descriptive
    analysis. Data is collected through census, in-depth inter­
    views, limited participant observation, and recording the
    econdary data.

    Findings of the research are as follows:

    Most of the Buginese street traders sell garment and acces­
    ories. There are two different groups among them, one group
    operates at the kiosks provided in Pasar Citra Niaga, while
    the other operates on the sidewalks within the complex of
    Pasar Citra Niaga.

    Sociocultural background which play important role in
    their trading activities are kinship relations and tradition.
    Kinship relations are used in the recruitment of labour and
    n the distribution of capital aids. The Buginese street
    traders have a tradition to display their success every time
    hey visit their village, and then taking along their closest
    in or neighbors or friends back to the city. This tradition
    lays important role in increasing the population of Buginese
    reet traders in Samarinda.

    Buginese street traders at Pasar Citra Niaga do not
    isplay any specific ethnic characteristics in this business.
    The way they sell their merchandise, their attitude towards
    fellow traders and towards the consumers are no different
    from what the other street traders do at Pasar Citra Niaga.

    There are apparent differences between the two groups of
    Buginese street traders at Pasar Citra Niaga: the kiosk group
    ends to behave more openly, while the sidewalk - group tends
    o have less tolerance to competitors. The kiosk-group is
    lsa more successful in their business.

    The street trading business of the Buginese at Pasar
    Citra Niaga is influenced by several factors. Among others
    are (1) the changes of taste among the consumers "dictates"
    the supply of goods according to the latest fashion; (2)
    governments regulation through the Pasar Citra Niaga project

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