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Hubungan Keuangan Antara Pusat dan Daerah Dalam Tata Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Indonesia

This dissertation is entitled "The Financial Relation between Central and Local in Indonesia Governance System." The main questions in the research ...

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    D965D965Perpustakaan Sekolah PascasarjanaTersedia
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    Sekolah Pascasarjana
    Judul Seri
    No. Panggil
    Penerbit : Bandung.,
    Deskripsi Fisik
    Tipe Isi
    Tipe Media
    Tipe Pembawa
    Info Detil Spesifik
    Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
  • This dissertation is entitled "The Financial Relation between Central and Local in Indonesia Governance System." The main questions in the research are: (1) How is the current financial relation between Central and Local in Indonesia governance system?; (2) How is the financial relation between Central and Local in Indonesia governance system in the future? The research applied a legal research method which was aimed at examining norms and legal principles. Juridical-normative approach was used as well as historical and comparative approach. Data was gained through the study of literatures, by studying the legislation rules covering the primary legal materials such as UUD 1945 and other constitutions those had ever exited in Indonesia, MPR decrees, acts regulating the subject of financial relation between Central and Local Government. The secondary legal materials are ones which provide explanation to the primary legal materials such as literature, research results, papers, articles, and many other relevant to the research topic. Whereas, tertiary legal materials include dictionary and encyclopaedia. In addition, there were also some studies conducted to gain information from literatures, documents, and expert writings related to the research topic. The results of this research show that: (1) the financial relation between Central and Local Government showed in the form of giving a larger authority to the Local Government to manage and organise Local income resources in order to fund the government implementation and development; (2) the financial relation between Central and Local concerning financial balance that has not enabled the local authority roles to involve directly in determining criteria, variable, as well as the amount of sharing percentage between Central and Local Government related to the allocation of DAU and DAK which is less transparent in its implementation. Whereas, the future financial relation between Central and Local Government in Indonesia Governance System must guarantee: (1) a fair and rational distribution of authority between Central and Local Government in the subject of taking and using the Local Income resources; (2) a fair and adequate sharing among Local Governments for the income resources in order to perform Government's functions, public services and development; (3) Local Government's independency in determining their policy to manage and organise public needs and Local Area itself; (4) the involvement of all components of local society in determining the large distribution of balancing grant, sharing grant, and also in determining criteria or variable that will be used as a formulation to determine the amount of subsidy grant from the Central Government; (5) Specific grant (DAK) is directed to provide incentive to the Local Government in order to participate in achieving the top priority national programs; (6) general grant (DAU) and revenue sharing (DBG) is directed to create both vertical and horizontal fiscal balance.

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